Wood plastic composites, as an emerging garden building material, are gradually gaining popularity. It is a material made of natural wood fiber and plastic, which is not only environmentally friendly but also durable. The popularity of this material is largely due to its unique properties and wide range of applications. In garden construction, wood plastic composites can provide both beautiful and practical solutions, such as flooring, fences or outdoor furniture. It has good water resistance, is not easy to corrode, and has low maintenance costs, so it has become an indispensable part of garden landscape design. In addition, due to its high plasticity, designers can shape it into various shapes and styles according to needs, which greatly enriches the expressiveness of garden art.

 WPC in garden China

Advantages of WPC Building material:
As a new type of garden building material, WPC has gradually won the favor of the market in recent years with their excellent performance and environmental protection characteristics. First of all, its environmental protection is one of its most outstanding advantages, because its main raw materials come from waste plastics and wood fibers, which not only reduces the dependence on forest resources, but also realizes the effective recycling of plastic waste. In addition, wood plastic composites show excellent durability and can resist various harsh weather conditions and insect pests, greatly extending the service life of the material. At the same time, its maintenance cost is very low, and it can be restored to its original beauty by just washing with water. Finally, WPC has a rich selection of colors and styles, which can meet the needs of different design styles, making it an ideal choice for creating personalized garden spaces. These advantages combined make wood-plastic composites not only a practical building material, but also an important force in promoting garden beautification and the spread of environmental protection concepts.

outdoor wpc decking from changxing hanming technology

Market application status:
In the current market, WPC materials have been widely used due to their dual advantages of environmental protection and beauty. Especially in the field of garden construction, this material is not only used to make infrastructure such as benches and trash cans, but also creatively used in landscape design and decorative elements. Consumers’ acceptance of wpc materials has increased year by year, and its durability and low maintenance have become important factors for people to choose it. At the same time, market feedback also shows that this material has played a significant role in improving the beauty and functionality of public spaces, further promoting its popularity and application expansion in the market.

terrace wpc board

Composite decking in China

WPC also have many advantages that traditional materials cannot match. For example, it has good waterproof and moisture-proof properties, and can maintain stable performance even in the changing outdoor environment, and is not easy to deform, crack or corrode. This makes it extremely widely used in garden construction, and can be used to make plank boards, railings, seats and even flower stands. The colors and textures of WPC are also very rich and varied. Through a special production process, different color masterbatches can be added during production, so that the final product presents a variety of natural wood grain effects or other colors, meeting different design styles and personalized needs. At the same time, these colors are evenly distributed throughout the material. Even if the surface is worn, it will not fade as easily as traditional paint, maintaining beautiful durability.

Park wpc decking board

When it comes to the application of landscape, the diversity of wpc materials is fully demonstrated.
For example, in terms of decking, it meets the needs of outdoor use with its stable size and excellent moisture resistance.
Common decking specifications Include 140mm×25mm,150X25mm, etc., There are many options depending on the site requirements.
In addition, indoor and outdoor WPC decking differ in material. Outdoor decking pays more attention to weather resistance and usually uses PP or PE materials

deck for garden

In the production of guardrails, WPC materials also demonstrate their diversity and plasticity. 
Whether it is a Post, a beam or a handrail, products that meet specifications can be produced according to design requirements.
Its processing technology is rich and diverse, and can meet the requirements of complex-shaped materials, making garden landscaping more personalized and diversified.

board wpc for swimming pool in china

Environmental impact and sustainability
The application of wood-plastic composites has not only brought revolutionary changes to the field of garden architecture, but also demonstrated great potential in environmental protection and sustainability. This material effectively utilizes two resources that might otherwise be discarded by mixing waste plastics and wood chips, reducing dependence on native wood and thus significantly reducing deforestation rates. In addition, because it is more durable than traditional wood, the use of wood-plastic composites in garden architecture can extend the service life of facilities, reduce maintenance costs and the need for frequent replacement. These advantages have jointly promoted the development of garden architecture in a greener and more sustainable direction, providing an effective way to achieve the dual goals of environmental protection and economic development.

The author: Nick     Published on  Oct 3, 2014 13:53